

Biocomputing I (Bioinformatics III) – Programming in Python (SSP Evolution)(SSP Bioanalytics)

Title Biocomputing I (Bioinformatics III) – Programming in Python (SSP Evolution)(SSP Bioanalytics)
Sprache/Language englisch
VV-Nr./Course No. 138320
Modulverantwortlich/Responsible Prof. Dr. Erich Bornberg-Bauer
Vertreter/Co-responsible N.N.
Anbieter/Teachers Prof. Dr. Erich Bornberg-Bauer
Typ/Type Praktikum + Seminar
SWS/Semerster periods per week
Arbeitslast(h)/Work load 150h
KP/Credit points
Zuordnung/Classification Fortgeschrittenen-Modul
Semester/Semester WiSe
Studierende/Students MSc Biowissenschaften
MSc Biotechnologie
MSc Molekulare Biomedizin
MEd GymGes, MEd BK
Bachelor HRSGe
Zeit/Date Block IV: 03.02.2025-28.02.2025
Ort/Location IEB, Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity, Hüfferstraße 1
Beginn/Start 03.02.2025
Vorbesprechung/Obligatory pre-meeting 22.11.2024; 18:00, Sozialraum Hüfferstraße 1
Voraussetzung/Prerequisite N/A
Anmeldung/Registration online
Leistungskontrollen/Performance assessments Protokoll + Präsentation + Mitarbeit
Termine f. Leistungskontrollen/Date for performance assessments
max. NP/Max. grade points 200 NP
Ziele/Aims Basic python programming Handling and manipulating genomic and proteomic data
Inhalte/Content Students will learn how to write simple but powerful scripts to automatize repetitive tasks and analyze diverse datasets from disparate resources. The module includes lectures covering the basics of Python programming and supervised practicals in which the students will apply the techniques covered in the lectures to biological datasets.
Methoden/Methods Python scripting File management and command line usage in a Linux environment
Berufsrelevante und interdisziplinäre Komponenten/Occupational and interdisciplinary skills
Voraussetzung für/Prerequisite for
Präsenzpflicht/Compulsory presence Yes
Plätze/Number of participants 10
Gruppengröße/Group size
Materialien/Materials Teaching materials can all be found on the module learnweb page: This will be accessible following the Vorbesprechung on 13.11.18 (Sozialraum, Hüfferstraße 1)
Literatur/Literature Stephen H.D. Haddock and Casey W. Dunn: Practical Computing for Biologists; ISBN-10: 0878933913;
Sonstiges/Further information


Elemente of the module:
Titel/Title Zeit (von...bis)/Time ( Ort(Raum)/Location
Übungen/Practical exercises
Legende: / Legend:

= Modul gehört zum SPP Imoplant / Module is part of the SSP Imoplant
= Modul gehört zum SPP Evolution /Module is part of the SSP Evolution
= Modul gehört zum SPP Bioanalytics and Biochemistry /Module is part of the SSP Bioanalytics and Biochemistry
= Modul gehört zum SPP Neuroscience and Behaviour /Module is part of the SSP Neuroscience and Behaviour
= Modul gehört zum SPP Quantitative Cell Biology /Module is part of the SSP Quantitative Cell Biology