

Modelle in Ökologie und Evolution

Title Models in Ecology and Evolution
Sprache/Language englisch deutsch
VV-Nr./Course No. 136214
Modulverantwortlich/Responsible Dr. P. Czuppon
Anbieter/Teachers Dr. P. Czuppon
Typ/Type Praktikum, Seminar
SWS/Semerster periods per week
Arbeitslast(h)/Work load 300
KP/Credit points 10
Zuordnung/Classification Forschungs-Modul
Semester/Semester WiSe, SoSe
Studierende/Students MSc Biowissenschaften
MSc Biotechnologie
MSc Molekulare Biomedizin
Zeit/Date tbd
Ort/Location IEB
Beginn/Start tbd
Vorbesprechung/Obligatory pre-meeting tbd
Voraussetzung/Prerequisite keine
Anmeldung/Registration --> contact Peter Czupon directly:
Leistungskontrollen/Performance assessments Report, Projektarbeit, Seminarvortrag; written report, participation, presentation
Termine f. Leistungskontrollen/Date for performance assessments
max. NP/Max. grade points
Ziele/Aims development and analysis of a theoretical model in the context of ecology and/or evolution; implementation of the model in julia; interdisciplinary communication skills at the interface of experimental and theoretical biology.
Inhalte/Content Common questions in theoretical models in an ecological or evolutionary setting concern the stability of a population or a polymorphism, the invasion behavior of new genetic/phenotypic variants, the time to fixation or extinction or the distribution of types in a population. In this module, the student will construct a new or adapt an existing model to address an ecological or evolutionary question, often motivated by an empirical observation or question by one of the empirical groups at the Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity.
Methoden/Methods Theoretical: ordinary or stochastic differential equations; Markov chains/processes; branching processes; non-linear systems; stability analysis (depends on research question)
Programming: julia
Berufsrelevante und interdisziplinäre Komponenten/Occupational and interdisciplinary skills
Voraussetzung für/Prerequisite for
Präsenzpflicht/Compulsory presence ja
Plätze/Number of participants
Gruppengröße/Group size individuell
Sonstiges/Further information


Elemente of the module:
Titel/Title Zeit (von...bis)/Time ( Ort(Raum)/Location
Übungen/Practical exercises
Legende: / Legend:

= Modul gehört zum SPP Imoplant / Module is part of the SSP Imoplant
= Modul gehört zum SPP Evolution /Module is part of the SSP Evolution
= Modul gehört zum SPP Bioanalytics and Biochemistry /Module is part of the SSP Bioanalytics and Biochemistry
= Modul gehört zum SPP Neuroscience and Behaviour /Module is part of the SSP Neuroscience and Behaviour
= Modul gehört zum SPP Quantitative Cell Biology /Module is part of the SSP Quantitative Cell Biology