

Multiscale Molecular Imaging, Teil I und II

Title Multiscale Molecular Imaging, Part I and II
Sprache/Language englisch
VV-Nr./Course No. 138350 / 130351
Modulverantwortlich/Responsible Prof. Dr. Friedemann Kiefer
Anbieter/Teachers Dr. Andreas Faust, Dr. Sven Hermann, Prof. Dr. F. Kiefer, Prof. Dr. Klaus Schäfers,
Typ/Type Lecture, seminar and practical laboratory course
SWS/Semerster periods per week
Arbeitslast(h)/Work load 2 * 150
KP/Credit points 2 * 5
Zuordnung/Classification Fortgeschrittenen-Modul
Semester/Semester WiSe
Studierende/Students MSc Biowissenschaften
MSc Biotechnologie
MSc Molekulare Biomedizin
Corona-Informationen/Corona-Information Lectures and seminars will be offered "on site" unless impossible due to Corona restrictions then "online".
Zeit/Date 22.10.2024 - 30.01.2025
Ort/Location Lecture theatre MIC, Röntgenstraße 16
Beginn/Start 22.10.2024
Vorbesprechung/Obligatory pre-meeting 22.10.2024 18 Uhr
Voraussetzung/Prerequisite basic knowledge in imaging technologies
Anmeldung/Registration Nur über Dozentenplätze
Leistungskontrollen/Performance assessments Seminar, presentation
Termine f. Leistungskontrollen/Date for performance assessments Seminar at the third date of each lecture block, 12.11. / 03.12. / 07.01. / 28.01., short präsentation at the end of the laboratory course
max. NP/Max. grade points 200
Ziele/Aims The course will provide a solid understanding in the technical aspects of multiscale molecular imaging including the principles of biorthogonal chemistry and probe generation, probe pharmacology, different microscopic imaging modalities and the basis if preclinical and clinical imaging, and image reconstruction and evaluation methods.
Inhalte/Content Introduction into:
- the theory of advanced light (confocal, multiphoton and light-sheet) microscopy including volume imaging of tissue,
- nuclear medicine and radiobiology, radiation and laser use,
- the application biorthogonal organic-chemistry, probe chemistry and pharmacodynamics,
- preclinical and clinical imaging and image reconstruction.
For each of the four topics, microscopy, nuclear imaging, probe chemistry and medical / preclinical imaging, the theoretical background will be covered in one double lecture, applications will be illustrated by presentation of current research applications from the fields of vascular and inflammatory research in the second double lecture and current research examples will be presented and discussed in a seminar series that covers the third double hour devoted to the topic.
Methoden/Methods Practical laboratory course in block V. In the practical laboratory course probe preparation and labelling of samples for imaging methods including confocal and light sheet microscopy, positron emission tomography and nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, optical tissue clearing and image evaluation will be practised in micro groups.
Berufsrelevante und interdisziplinäre Komponenten/Occupational and interdisciplinary skills The importance of multiscale imaging is highlighted form the angles of biological and medical sciences. Active exchange between participants for mthe different faculaties is fostered.
Voraussetzung für/Prerequisite for
Präsenzpflicht/Compulsory presence yes
Plätze/Number of participants maximally 8 places for the practical laboratory course, additional participants welcome for the lectures / seminars
Gruppengröße/Group size Microgroups of 2 participants
Literatur/Literature Up-to-date literature covering backround as well as the seminar series will be presented at the introductory lecture.
Sonstiges/Further information Part I and II must be attended together.


Elemente of the module:
Titel/Title Zeit (von...bis)/Time ( Ort(Raum)/Location
Übungen/Practical exercises Multiscale imaging Practical laboratory course in block V, to be individually arranged with the supervisors. Laboratories of the lecturers, pending on availability of the MIC building.
Vorlesung/Lecture I. From microscopy to optical imaging in biomedicine
II. Nuclear medicine, computation and visualization in multiscale imaging
III. Chemical Biology and probe chemistry
IV. Pre-clinial and diagnostic whole body and molecular imaging
Tuesday, 18:15 - 20:15 Lecture theatre MIC, Röntgenstraße 16
Seminare/Semeinars I. From microscopy to optical imaging in biomedicine
II. Nuclear medicine, computation and visualization in multiscale imaging
III. Chemical Biology and probe chemistry
IV. Pre-clinial and diagnostic whole body and molecular imaging
Tuesday, 18:15 - 20:15 Lecture theatre MIC, Röntgenstraße 16
Legende: / Legend:

= Modul gehört zum SPP Imoplant / Module is part of the SSP Imoplant
= Modul gehört zum SPP Evolution /Module is part of the SSP Evolution
= Modul gehört zum SPP Bioanalytics and Biochemistry /Module is part of the SSP Bioanalytics and Biochemistry
= Modul gehört zum SPP Neuroscience and Behaviour /Module is part of the SSP Neuroscience and Behaviour
= Modul gehört zum SPP Quantitative Cell Biology /Module is part of the SSP Quantitative Cell Biology